WotLK Dungeon Mounts Boost

Buy WotLK dungeon mount boost and get your new rare and cool vehicle!
We will defeat any bosses and complete all the necessary quest chains in the dungeon to get the desired mount!
Just tell us which mount you want and Smartboost will get it for you!

WotLK Dungeon Mounts Boosting Service

WotLK dungeon mounts refer to rare and unique mounts that can be obtained by completing certain dungeons in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. These mounts have a very low drop rate and are considered prestigious among players.

Some of the dungeon mounts available in WotLK include the Blue Proto-Drake, which can be obtained by completing the heroic Utgarde Pinnacle dungeon, the Red Proto-Drake, which can be obtained by completing several achievements in heroic dungeons, and the Raven Lord, which has a chance to drop from the Anzu boss in the Sethekk Halls dungeon.

Players can also obtain the Bronze Drake by completing the heroic Culling of Stratholme dungeon within a certain time limit, and the Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth by defeating the Krik'thir the Gatewatcher boss in the heroic Azjol-Nerub dungeon.

How do I get the Reins of the Bronze Drake in WotLK?

The Reins of the Bronze Drake can be obtained by completing the timed run in The Culling of Stratholme dungeon on heroic difficulty.

What is the drop rate for the Raven Lord mount in WotLK?

The drop rate for the Raven Lord mount in WotLK is around 1% from Anzu, the boss in the Sethekk Halls dungeon on heroic difficulty.

How do I get the Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake in WotLK?

The Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake can be obtained from the Skadi the Ruthless boss in the Utgarde Pinnacle dungeon on heroic difficulty.

What is the drop rate for the Fiery Warhorse's Reins in WotLK?

The drop rate for the Fiery Warhorse's Reins in WotLK is around 1% from Attumen the Huntsman in the Karazhan raid.

How do I get the Reins of the White Polar Bear in WotLK?

The Reins of the White Polar Bear can be obtained by reaching exalted reputation with the Oracles faction and completing their quest line in Sholazar Basin.

Why buy boost WotLK dungeon mounts?

Players may want to buy a boost for WOTLK dungeon mounts because obtaining them can be time-consuming and challenging. WOTLK dungeon mounts are rare and desirable, and many players want to add them to their collection. A boost can help players obtain these mounts quickly and efficiently, without having to spend a lot of time running dungeons and hoping for a lucky drop. Boost services often have experienced players who know the mechanics of the dungeons and can help players navigate them more efficiently. Additionally, some players may not have a group of friends or guild members to run dungeons with, making a boost service a convenient option. Overall, buying a boost for WOTLK dungeon mounts can be a good option for players who want to save time and effort while still obtaining these coveted mounts.


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