Destiny 2 King's Fall

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D2 King's Fall Raid Boosting Service

King's Fall is a raid in Destiny 2 that was originally introduced in the gamer's first year and was re-released for the game's 30th season, Season of the Splicer. This challenging raid takes place aboard the Dreadnought, a massive Hive ship belonging to Oryx, the Taken King. Players must work together to defeat powerful bosses and overcome challenging encounters in order to reach and ultimately confront Oryx himself. The raid offers unique and powerful rewards, including high-level gear and exotic weapons, making it a must-play for Destiny 2 players looking for a challenging endgame experience.

Where is King's Fall raid Destiny 2?

  • The King's Fall raid in Destiny 2 takes place on Oryx's Dreadnaught, which can be found by starting the raid just outside of the Court of Oryx, a public activity from the original Destiny. At the beginning of the raid, players will need to split into two groups and grab two Hive artifacts that appear as glowing orbs. Each group will then escort their orb to a set of statues in a hallway before dunking them simultaneously. After dunking the orbs, they will spawn on the left and right sides of the Dreadnaught, and players must backtrack to find these paths. The goal is to escort the orbs to six different statues, while the other players kill adds and destroy Blights that block their path. Once all six statues have been activated, a portal will open, leading to a short jumping puzzle and the first encounter.

What weapons can I get at King's Fall raid?

In Kings Fall raid of Destiny 2, players have the opportunity to obtain a chest filled with loot at the end of each encounter, which has the potential to drop either a raid weapon or an armor piece from the unique class set specific to the raid.
Weapon list:

  • Doom of Chelchis – Legendary scout rifle.
    This excellent void scout rifle is extremely powerful in PvE activities.
  • Qullim’s Terminus – Legendary machine gun.
    Strong weapon, though it is somewhat slow to reload.
  • Smite of Merain – Legendary pulse rifle.
    Powerful in PvE and even better with solid perks.
  • Defiance of Yasmin – Legendary sniper rifle.
    With the right rolls, this kinetic sniper rifle can become quite potent, even though it may not seem particularly strong at first glance.
  • Zaouli’s Bane – Legendary hand cannon.
    Despite its initial clunkiness, this high-impact solar hand cannon is a powerful option for certain PvE encounters thanks to its wide range of useful perks.
  • Midha’s Reckoning – Legendary fusion rifle.
    While linear fusion rifles are currently the meta, this weapon may not be the best choice. Nevertheless, it remains a reliable option for taking on groups of high-level enemies.
  • Touch of Malice – Exotic scout rifle.
    This season's top-tier weapon is a revived exotic kinetic scout rifle from the original Destiny, known as Touch of Malice. Its unique exotic perk allows the gun's final round to deal additional damage by drawing from the user's health and regenerating itself. Rapidly defeating three targets will restore health, making it a valuable asset for difficult PvE encounters. In addition, the secondary exotic perk, Charged with Blight, enables precision hits to drain the enemy's life force and create a ball of darkness that can be released as a blight projectile to shroud and blind enemies. The catalyst for Touch of Malice also adds Rapid Hit, which speeds up the alternate fire mode activation.

Except for Touch of Malice, all weapons obtainable from King's Fall raid are craftable. This means that players can re-roll them with specific perks by collecting Deepsight Resonance versions of each gun to unlock the weapon pattern. Deepsight Resonance has a chance to drop with all raid weapons, and at the final chest after Oryx, players can use Spoils of Conquest to purchase new rolls of weapons they already have.
Furthermore, the Master version of King's Fall is now available, and it provides the opportunity for players to acquire Adept versions of each weapon. When masterworked, Adept weapons receive a +3 bonus to every stat except impact, in addition to the standard +10 bonus to the masterwork stat. Moreover, players can equip potent Adept mods, making it worthwhile to pursue them if you have the necessary Light level and skill.

What kind of armor can I get in King's Fall?

As with any other raid in Destiny 2, King's Hall offers one set of armor for each class.

Hunter Darkhollow set:

Titan War Numen’s set:

Warlock set:

What ships can be obtained in the raid King's Fall?

King's Fall raid also offers two exotic vehicles in addition to the exotic weapon Touch of Malice:

  • Ossein Earthcarver Exotic Sparrow. To obtain the Ossein Earthcarver sparrow, players must complete all the raid challenges in the Master difficulty of King's Fall raid. 
  • Ossified Skycarver Exotic Ship. Obtaining the Ossified Skycarver ship requires completing the Master version of King's Fall and redeeming the "One True King" triumph. Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, the Master version of King's Fall can be a daunting challenge.

What is the recommended Light level for the King's Fall raid?

The recommended Light level for the King's Fall raid is 300. However, it's important to note that the raid was released in 2015 and has since been surpassed by higher level content in Destiny 2. As a result, it's recommended to have a Light level of at least 1600 or higher to comfortably complete the raid.

What are the mechanics of the King's Fall raid encounters?

The King's Fall raid in Destiny 2 has a total of four encounters, each with its own mechanics:

  • The Opening: This is a straightforward encounter that requires players to split into two teams and grab orbs to deposit them in six statues.
  • Warpriest: The Warpriest encounter involves players standing on designated plates to open a portal to the boss room. Players will need to deal damage to the Warpriest while managing adds and rotating between plates.
  • Golgoroth: The Golgoroth encounter takes place in a large chamber with a central pit. Players will need to focus on damaging Golgoroth's weak spots while avoiding his attacks and dealing with adds.
  • Oryx: The final encounter requires players to destroy four orbs to weaken Oryx, then jump into the aura and detonate a bomb in the center of the room. Players will need to repeat this process several times while dealing with adds and avoiding Oryx's attacks.

How long does it take to complete the King's Fall raid?

  • The completion time for the King's Fall raid can vary greatly depending on the skill level and experience of the fireteam. However, on average, a successful run of the raid can take anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours.

Are there any secret chests in the King's Fall raid?

  • Yes, there are several secret chests hidden throughout the King's Fall raid that can be found by completing certain actions or solving puzzles. These chests can contain unique loot and rewards. Some of these chests can be found in hidden alcoves or by performing certain actions during encounters, while others may require specific gear or abilities to reach. It's always a good idea to explore each area thoroughly to try and find any hidden secrets or chests.

Why buy King's Fall Raid Carry boost?

  • Save time: The raid can be time-consuming, especially if you're unfamiliar with the mechanics or don't have a skilled fireteam. Buying a carry can save you hours of frustration and wasted time.
  • Guaranteed completion: By purchasing a carry, you are almost guaranteed to complete the raid. This is especially useful if you've been struggling to complete it on your own or with a less experienced fireteam.
  • Obtain loot and rewards: The King's Fall raid offers unique and powerful loot, including weapons, armor, and other valuable items. A carry can help you obtain these rewards, which may be difficult or time-consuming to obtain otherwise.
  • Learn from experts: Many raid carry services offer the opportunity to learn from experienced players. By watching how they play and learning the mechanics of the raid, you can improve your own skills and potentially complete the raid on your own in the future.
  • Flexibility: A carry service can be flexible in terms of scheduling, so you can complete the raid at a time that is convenient for you.
  • Access to exclusive content: The King's Fall raid is a challenging activity that not all players may be able to complete. By purchasing a carry, you can access this exclusive content and experience everything the game has to offer.

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