Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Carry

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D2 Vow of the Disciple Boosting Service

Vow of the Disciple is a raid in Destiny 2, introduced in the Witch Queen expansion on March 5, 2022. The raid takes place at a sunken Pyramid located deep in the swamps of Savathûn's Throne World, where players are tasked with facing off against the ancient Disciple, who is imprisoned within. The Disciple plans to use his doomsday machine to seal the Light from the throne world, and players must stop him before it's too late. The raid features challenging encounters and requires coordination and strategy from the team to overcome.

Where is Vow of the Disciple raid Destiny 2?

  • The Vow of the Disciple raid in Destiny 2 is located inside a Pyramid ship deep in the swamps of Savathun's Throne World. 

What weapons can I get at Vow of the Disciple raid Destiny 2?

The Vow of the Disciple raid in Destiny 2 offers a chest of loot at the end of each encounter, with a chance to obtain raid-specific armor pieces or weapons.
Weapon list:

  • Lubrae’s Ruin - Glaive.
    Lubrae's Ruin is a glaive with underwhelming gameplay, weak ranged ability and flawed melee traits.
  • Deliverance - Fusion Rifle.
    Deliverance is great for clearing large groups of enemies in PvE with its strong perk options, but may not be ideal for boss encounters. Look for Deepsight Resonance versions for optimal rolls.
  • Submission - Submachine Gun.
    Submission is a versatile weapon with decent stats and a variety of perks that make it a strong choice for both PVE and PVP.
  • Cataclysmic - Linear Fusion Rifle.
    Cataclysmic is a raid LFR with great damage perks but is outclassed by other LFRs like Reed's Regret. 
  • Forbearance - Grenade Launcher.
    Forbearance is a unique and powerful Wave Frame Grenade Launcher, with a specific perk combination that makes it arguably the best ad clear special weapon in the game. Its Ambitious Assassin + Chain Reaction roll can only be found on one other special Grenade Launcher, making Forbearance an S-tier option in any PvE content.
  • Insidious - Pulse Rifle.
    Insidious is a top-performing Aggressive Frame Pulse Rifle with great stats and a 0.73s TTK in The Crucible, making it an excellent choice for both PVE and PVP. 
  • Collective Obligation - Pulse Rifle.
    Collective Obligation's ability to debuff enemies makes it unique, but it requires a specific build to maximize its potential. However, the weapon's exotic perk is useful as it automatically reloads and applies Void debuffs.

To obtain Adept weapons in Vow of the Disciple, players must complete a weekly challenge during any of the raid's encounters. Unlike the Vault of Glass, all Adept weapons are available in the Vow of the Disciple Master Version and not just those in the weekly rotation.

What kind of armor can I get in Vow of the Disciple raid Destiny 2?

As with any other raid in Destiny 2, Vow of the Disciple offers one set of armor for each class.




What ships can be obtained in the raid Vow of the Disciple?

This raid also features two exclusive exotic items: An Exotic Sparrow and an Exotic Ghost Shell:

  • The Gouging Light sparrow - To acquire the Gouging Light exotic sparrow, players must finish the Master Vow of the Disciple Raid. The sparrow can be unlocked by completing either the full Master Raid or just the Master Rhulk Checkpoint.
  • The Imperious Sun Shell - Players must solve a puzzle within the pyramid to obtain The Imperious Sun Shell.

What is the recommended Light level for the Vow of the Disciple Raid raid?

The recommended Light level for the Vow of the Disciple raid is 1530+.

What are the mechanics of the Vow of the Disciple raid encounters?

Encounter 1: The Annihilator Totems

  • Players must stand on three totems to charge them, while defeating waves of enemies and avoiding deadly pools of water.
  • Once all totems are charged, players will be transported to the next area.

Encounter 2: The Stasis Device

  • Players must destroy three shielded generators while avoiding powerful stasis blasts from the boss.
  • Once all generators are destroyed, players will be transported to the next area.

Encounter 3: The Cypher

  • Players must navigate a maze-like area filled with traps and enemies to reach a central platform.
  • Once there, players must use a scanner to locate and destroy four corrupted cores while defending against waves of enemies.
  • Once all cores are destroyed, players will be transported to the next area.

Encounter 4: The Rhulk's Charge

  • Players must follow a giant rhino-like creature called Rhulk while avoiding deadly traps and fighting off waves of enemies.
  • Once Rhulk reaches the end of the area, players will be transported to the final encounter.

Encounter 5: The Hive Mind

  • Players must defeat a powerful Hive boss while avoiding deadly attacks and completing various mechanics such as dunking orbs and charging plates.
  • Once the boss is defeated, players will earn loot and the opportunity to obtain Adept weapons and other rewards.

How long does it take to complete the Vow of the Disciple raid?

  • The duration of completing the Vow of the Disciple raid can vary depending on the team's experience, skill level, and the chosen difficulty mode. Generally, a full clear of the raid can take anywhere from 1-3 hours, while individual encounters can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes each.

Are there any secret chests in the Vow of the Disciple raid?

  • There are multiple secret chests hidden throughout the Vow of the Disciple raid in Destiny 2 that can reward players with unique loot and rewards. These chests often require players to solve puzzles, perform specific actions during encounters, or use certain gear or abilities to reach. It's recommended that players explore each area thoroughly to find these hidden secrets and chests.

Why buy Vow of the Disciple raid Carry boost?

  • Access to exclusive loot: The Vow of the Disciple raid features unique weapons, armor sets, and cosmetics that can only be obtained by completing the raid or its challenges.
  • Guaranteed completion: Raids can be challenging and time-consuming, and not all players may have the skill or experience to complete them on their own. A carry boost ensures that the raid will be completed, allowing players to obtain the rewards and complete any associated triumphs or quests.
  • Time-saving: Completing the raid on one's own can take several hours, whereas a carry boost can significantly reduce the time needed to complete the raid.
  • Learning experience: Playing with experienced raiders can provide valuable insight into the mechanics and strategies of the raid encounters, helping players improve their own skills and knowledge.
  • Group synergy: A carry boost allows players to play with a group of experienced raiders who are familiar with each other's playstyles and can work together effectively to complete the raid.

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